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Indirect Gift Policy


The Teaching Kitchen Collaborative (TKC) may grant or sub-grant funds to TKC Members to execute collaborative projects. At present, the TKC does not grant to external organizations and does not accept unsolicited proposals.

Indirect Cost Limits Policy

Indirect costs are general overhead and administration expenses that support the entire operations of a grantee or service provider, and that may be shared across projects. Examples include administrative staff expenses (e.g. HR, general finance, accounting, IT, and legal), facilities expenses (e.g. rent, utilities, equipment, information systems, and other facility support), and other systems or infrastructure costs. Expenses that would be incurred regardless of whether the grant is funded are often indicative of indirect costs. While these costs may not be directly attributable to a project, they are real and necessary to operate as an organization.

The indirect cost rate proposed in proposal budgets, whether for grant funding or for service providers, should not exceed the lower of the proposing organization’s indirect cost rate, or 10%, whichever is less.